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Diana Chiques

Knowledge awakens Kindness and Wisdom.

About Me: Quote
Beach Yoga

The transformation is not easy, ask the chrysalis.
Changes hurt, ask the caterpillar.
Is it worth it? ask the butterfly.

Naturally Curious

It is time to empower yourself, transform your energy and become who you truly are. Release the traumas and free your True self. Express you full potential, without fears or self-imposed limitations. Changes are not always easy, and we are not always prepared for them, but we can understand and learn to sail thru them. Traumas can blur our senses and sabotage our future without our understanding. They can become our identity and even make us believe that is who we truly are. And, we are so much more than what we think of ourselves from the perspective of our unhealthy “ego”. We are Light and Love.
I am a student of life; my experiences guided me thru a self-discovery journey, completely alone. I just had myself and it had to be enough. Now I want to share what I have learned to, not necessarily make it easier (each journey is unique), but to give support and aid whenever I can, because I have been there, alone and in need of real help.
Alchemy is Transformation. To me, Alchemist Eyes is the transformation of our life’s based on the way we chose to see the world. Spirituality marked a before, during and after in every aspect of my life, even in parts of me that I have always identified as Spiritual. Alchemist Eyes is a collection of my Spiritual Journey, the commonly use tools and techniques that helped me, based on books and different philosophies, the ones that did not helped, what I did to help myself (without knowing what I was doing at the moment) and what I learned thru my tears and self-work. I share my life’s experiences, traumas and lessons learned, from a before, during and after Spiritual perspective to help and support you in those moments when support is needed and welcomed.  Alchemist Eyes is my transformation journey shared in a unique way to encourage, empower, assist and support you thru your Spiritual Journey.
Welcome, may you find you True Self.
Blessed be.

About Me: Welcome

About me

My name is Diana Chiques. I am a Energy Worker (Lightworker, Healer), Empath, and Psychic Witch. I practice Green Path, Elemental Magick, Energy Bending and I assist and support others with Spiritual Guidance based on my on journey, experiences and personal research. I am also a certified Yoga Instructor and a student of life amongst other things. 

I discover pretty early in life that I had abilities that others seemed to not have or understand and this led me thru a journey full of experiences loaded with lessons and knowledge to be learned. They make the story of who I am and how I got here.

My mission is to serve. To help you understand and overcome what keeps holding you back, limitations, and life's general obstacles. To bring clarity and inspiration to your daily struggles and to empower you with the knowledge of self recognition and inner power.

Its a Journey of the self, thru the self, for the self and after experiencing it myself I feel the calling to use what I have learned to support others while they journey thru theirs. 

My intention is to share what I know, see and perceive with the use of my abilities to help you in your self discovery journey by sharing tools, techniques and offering support thru other mechanisms such as tarot readings, self love rituals, yoga, chakra alignment and others, to develop your innate abilities and to open yourself to your full potential of transforming your life thru the power of the magick of pure thought and intention.

About Me: About

Not your typical Psychic

a bit of background

I am not the typical Lightworker / Healer, Tarot Reader, Psychic or Witch. I say it with so much respect for everyone else and their practices. Since little I've had this "knowing" that we are not this body and that magick does exists. I say I am not the typical type because I am what you could say "self developed" and I actually have no personal experience with how others do it. I was born with abilities that I kept secret for the most part because I was born into a catholic family and went to catholic school my entire school life. I learned by going inside.

The knowledge it's everywhere and we can all tap into it. There are many established practices that have teach many psychics, spiritual leaders and witches how to understand and develop their abilities, still, is a knowledge that is available to us all if we do the work and look inside for the answers.

About Me: About

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