We have to decide what we really want. We feel internal conflict because we are confuse, we are pulled from too many perspectives and pushed inside too many boxes. We want peace, to be calm and collected, content, to be understood, to have passion in our lives, be loved, live in abundance and all the things that we innately know we need and should have. We want the "cabin in the woods" experience but we also want an expensive car, to have money, buy things that we really don't need, to have a good position in our work, good and steady income of money, we live embedded in technology and in constant need of external approval and validation, we continue consuming. I am not saying that all this is wrong, although I think we can agree that some do need more balancing than others; what I am indeed saying is that we must look within and ask ourselves what do we really want. Reach agreements with ourselves and accept the effect of our actions, to lead a life in balance and aligned with our true self.
The reason why we can't find our true purpose or accept it, is because we are conflicted between what our soul needs and what we have been taught we should achieve to be "successful" and even more detrimental still, is that somehow we manage to also mixed these distorted ideas of success with already distorted and manipulated terms such as acceptance, love, personal worth, body image, ideology, sexuality, spirituality and so many other concepts that make up a person; that we have become traumatized by the whole thing and don't even realized how all is interwoven and connected.
What I have come to understand is that a great place to start to understand why things seem to not advance or if you feel stuck in time or place, is by relearning what the "success" concept you have integrated and accepted as a "real need" means to you personally.
Ask yourself these questions: what are you ready to give up to live the life you've always dream off? and, if by the end of your time here you have given up all of that, and still did not achieve what you dreamt off, would you still be content? Would you still do it and what would you change?.
What does "success" means to you? are you ready for the "cause and effect" part of your deepest desires?
May this help someone
Blessed be
Alchemist Eyes