How are you feeling today? Happy? Content? Relaxed? Tired? Stressed out? Heavy? Exited? Sensual? Fully Charged? Does it feel stronger? The Full Moon amplifies whatever it is we have been cultivating since the last New Moon. So, for example if we have not been sleeping well, and working extra hard to achieve our goals we might be used to the feeling tired, but today feels like you can’t even move your legs properly. If we started a new diet/lifestyle and we have been enjoying it we might be feeling today super convinced of keeping up with it, but if we’ve been complaining about the “sacrifices” or what you believe you are missing, then today you’ll probably are day dreaming about your favorite comfort food. If you are in a relationship and lets say you had an argument a week ago, and you were really angry and are still holding on to the emotion or rethinking the moment, chances are you will be feeling super pissed today and your getting triggered by your partner and/or you’re feeling annoyed with everything they do.
The Elements are there to move the energy. And they too get amplified by the Moon Fullness, so they are in full motion. Whatever it is you are feeling it may also be feeling harder to keep inside. So if you are holding on to negative energy thru negative emotions and the full moon amplifies it and you feel anger and annoyance then the elements are making that much harder to not fight, say something that will definitely start another argument, some may even try to hurt others emotionally just to find some release to the negativity. If you are feeling tired because you have been working hard on your dreams, today you may be feeling like you just want to bench tv and eat all day, and the Elements may be giving you all kind of conflicting emotions about doing only that all day, so at the end of the day you may have done nothing and be more tired still.
There are other options. We can understand the energy flow and natural rhythm and we can work with it to maintain a healthy balance of energy where we are not bouncing off the walls nor stuck to the floor.
There are many ways of doing this and depending on where you are on your journey some may seem to basic or too advance. My goal with this post is to encourage those who are beginning with their journey to learn more ways to maintain whatever progress they have already made. Sometimes when we’ve been feeling amazing for who knows how long, some may suddenly feel anger, sadness of another emotion that its usually associated with negativity and think they lost their spirituality and that is simply not true. This is something I wish I had known long ago when I realize I was already living mine.
I keep saying energy follows thought because its true.
Energy Tip:
Tired: Rest without guilt, take 1-3hrs to do something that gives you that feeling of accomplishment.
Angry: Release the negativity into the ground thru your feet and do your best to not do it thru your mouth or actions. If you feel like you can’t, try to take time to be by yourself, take a long bath or a walk. With positive company or alone and the more in nature you can, the better.
Happy: Hold on to your energy and stay considerate with who ever is next to you and their energy, share yours every time you can, its unlimited.
Sensual: ENJOY with respect and responsibility for your actions. In general:
For negativity: find safe release into the ground and try to enter more positive energy fields. For positivity: have fun being mindful of the energy around you, help whenever you can.
For all: May you find balance
May this help someone Blessed Be, Alchemist Eyes