BALANCE. Finally. Yesterday opposites were meant to balance todays energy. It feels lovely. Like one can do anything. Its up to us what we do with that. We can sit and do nothing or we can move and begin manifesting our dreams. We need to remember that the energy is there to give us support in our journey and to make sure our thoughts become reality. What do you constantly think about? What keeps returning to your mind? That is what you'll received. If you are stuck in the past (which is totally different than doing shadow work) you'll keep creating those same experiences with new people. If you think of abundance that is what you'll create. If you keep allowing your triggers to affect you and you do nothing to release them, you'll soon find that people only trigger you and you'll want to be alone only to later complaint because you feel alone. If you think of progress, love, unity that is what you will become. The Elements are dancing in harmony and its inviting. Let yourself get lost in the music and you feet will move accordingly.
Trust the light AND the dark in you, remember; BALANCE.
Energy Tip:
Today centering is what we all need. This will help to create our own magick.
Visualize yourself in the center of Earth and find the crystals at the four corners, see them glowing towards you, all four meeting at your center. Come back staying with the sensation. Know that the next few days will be full of learning experiences that will allow you to manifest your intentions.
Stay strong and connected, so you can integrate the lessons and you will be fine.
May this help someone
Blessed be
Alchemist Eyes