The Elements showed themselves today in a fluid and comfortable state. Playful ripples, lose soil, constant breeze and a flame that did not burned as it took me in. It is telling us that today we may be feeling playful and in a flowing state of mind, not so much about imposing ourselves and more about what will keep the moment in a fun-loving attitude. The fire tells us that we will not get burned if we are true ourselves. Today is a day for fun, if we stay true to our fun-loving self (with healthy boundaries) we will not get into any internal nor external conflict. The Elements are telling us that we need to stay and see live from a creative perspective, as something fun and exciting, and to let our true self come out to play so we give movement to the wheel of changes. Make sure to remember that every cause has an effect; what we plant today is what we sow tomorrow.
Then we have the Sun in Cancer, the Moon in Sagittarius, and AC in Virgo intensifying our need for that “homey” feeling, the emotional need of speaking our truth and go into deep conversations with meaning and reason and knowledge, to grow with our conversations, re-tell a good story and laugh around the dinner table. We just need to try our best to not be so critical and picky about those we share the “table” with. Like the fire told us, we will not get burned if we take it easy and stay true to our fun-loving nature.
In simple terms: Today do not get into arguments, let the fun version of you take over and laugh; transmute the energy of the moment by staying true to your need of having fun and do not give anyone the power of taking away from you the smile (vibration) that will attract to you all the fun-and-love (frequency) that you deserve.
The moon is waxing and will be full in just 2 days, giving intensity to our intentions and charging them with the power to manifest. Take some time; actually within this 2 days, take all the time you need to understand your needs and to put into perspective why do you need those things, try to see if the feeling of having those things will erase your feeling of need, and if not, accommodate your intentions to fulfill your needs and not your wants, so when the full moon comes, you will be ready to send your intentions into the manifestation fields and not be struck when what you intended becomes true.
-Manifestation is a confusing topic for some, so I am going to share a basic but unavoidable part of manifestation in my next post.
May this help someone
Blessed be
Alchemist Eyes