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Spirituality: Understanding the body

Writer's picture: eyesofalchemyeyesofalchemy

There is a universe full of life within you.

Each part of who you are merges with the other, becoming whole. If our pulse is affected, everything else is affected, from the physical to the non-tangible. In the same way, each reflex/transmission of our nervous system comes from the stimulation it has through the senses, light, and the different blocks or memory that it possesses, and so on. This machinery that we call the nervous system is one of the greatest wonders that exist on the planet, along with the brain itself and the body according to its parts and functions, so it is easy to say that although each existing organism is wonderful in itself and its possibilities, the human, is infinite in its possibilities; since the nervous system not only has the ability to heal and/or recover, if not also regenerate, grow, change, learn, expand, react and act, beyond all this, its limits are self-imposed based on different components, which in turn means that it is as varied as will itself. Together with the brain and other organs, serve as the spokespersons of our desires, emotions, needs and satisfactions, making clear to the physical body in its entirety the risks and potentials of each second and with the ability to block it completely.

When the amygdala is activated it is our response of freeze, fight or flight the one that is put in front to command, limiting the flow to the organs that are not necessary for it and even our skin; so when exposed to different stressors, the body responds in a tense and instinctive way without giving way to the reason that measures the consequences of our actions, the moment this response is activated, logic loses meaning, the only thing that matters is to survive the moment. This is essential for when a lion is chasing us or when a gun is being pointed at us, however, we live in a constant stream of stressors that are harmful to the human body, especially when we look for tomorrow. The collection of muscular and emotional memory (both are communicated, although not accumulated in their entirety, through the nervous system) despite being an autonomous function that allows the rapid response of our senses and speeds up our actions and reactions, keeps us in a repetitive response until we actively seek to change those memories either by emotional and / or physical healing or by the new memory that is created on the previous with constant practice.

There are some patterns that are easily identified with which we can clearly determine how one thing relates to the other and how to heal one in its entirety, the healing of each of these components is necessary. This is why in spirituality (which is living in love with your own reality and with the objective) there is so much talk about the healing of layers, and it is because it is often difficult from the personal perspective, to realize these patterns, since they are in a way also characteristics that we have adopted as our own throughout life, becoming part of our “persona”; how we identify ourselves and how we project ourselves.

Different sources would promote the healing of its parts; however, conventional medicine does not cover the whole as it would for example holistic medicine and is a large part of the limitations existing on this side of the world as far as health is concerned. A nutritionist, endocrinologist, etc., would tell us about food, how it affects us and how we can improve it; while a therapist would help us work with the mental and emotional part of our health; however, few ask enough questions to join these ends and thus clearly observe the patterns that are presented.

Let's go to an example: A person with all his senses active, relatively healthy (no chronic condition) and happy, is fed with a diet high in sugars, carbohydrates, and proteins, has panic attacks since they were young, in their childhood suffered from "bullying" and in their adulthood receive titles and fame, has a toxic relationship with his partner.

In this example it may be easier to see the patterns, since I summarize them, but just by animating this description we see that this character can be you, me, a relative, anyone.

Let's go deeper into the example:

A person with a childhood wound not yet healed in adulthood it won’t matter in the situation they find, if it presents some type of stressor, a certain part of themself, will return to the emotions, discomfort, and frustrations of his childhood, since the amygdala is activated and in turn (at any point of the spectrum- positive or negative) the nervous system will respond accordingly. The constant activation of our freeze/fight/flight response causes our body to redirect blood to the parts of our body that might be required at that time. This makes the person of the example despite being a "realized" adult in the eyes of society, under their own gaze, feels like an impostor, never sufficient, not capable in its entirety, limited, etc., further diminishing their self-confidence and their own will towards the growth and expansion of their being. In turn, it keeps this person in a state of alertness in which their body uses and therefore requires energy at a moment notice, so then when feeding, what the system will tell the body as its spokesman is -I do not want food- however being in this state so often, the need to feed the body is imperative and so, that is when what the body decides it then has as a preference for foods of rapid digestion, as long as the energy can be used almost instantaneously; that is why this person of the example tends to maintain a lifestyle in which their body has integrated that sugars, carbohydrates and proteins (which in excess are also transformed into sugars by the body) are what it needs; those that have been accustomed / taught / trained to the body that provide the necessary energy for the state in which the nervous system is most of the time. Now, when the body feeds only on energy that is quickly consumed, there are two things that we can take into account here: 1. The body is bombarded with energy to consume and then quickly become in need of more; increasing or decreasing appetite but in a drastic manner and unhealthy ways; this distortion creates confusion in the system and is one of the causes of panic attacks in the population, in addition to the emotional changes that are reflected after this type of superficial and light feeding; and 2. the digestive organs begin to distort their functions, becoming somewhat vague and lazy, which in turn is reflected in lack of "hunger" for life, our dreams and goals, how we relate to our personal purpose and consequently, how we relate to others.

All this becomes an accumulation of energy that stagnates in those areas that we do not tend to use properly. That is, while we deal with the stressors of work, our eating habits are affected, causing that which is not imperative for the survival of the moment accumulates in our stomach - reason why you leave work and it is only by pure will and discipline that you go to the gym, take classes or work in your personal dreams, many times forcing the body to respond by force of precisely more foods that provide you with energy as quickly as possible. While the entire organism is being blocked to serve the larger muscles of the body and other responses, these being overstimulated exacerbating fatigue.

These voids, blocks, accumulations, and distortions are reflected not only in emotions and mental states but also in the actions and reactions of people, and in this example, we see how this person despite having achieved certain goals, even so, has toxic intimate relationships since their entire system is distorted. Well, the person can work with his way of treating his partner, however, by keeping their eating habits, the relationship with themself will not improve and therefore the changes in the way of treating their partner will have an expiration date or will be superimposed over their own desires and needs, adding trauma to trauma. Equally, this person can change the way they eat, but if they do not attend to their emotional state and those triggers that destabilize their reason, they will continue to feel their response to freeze/fight/flight when facing any stressor, and without fast response feeding their body will deteriorate in a short time, while, at the same time, if maintaining this type of fast energy supply brings harmful consequences as we already talked about. This person may well take medications that fix their panics attack problem, but if they don't change their diet and don't heal from their childhood traumas, they'll just be accumulating that energy instead of allowing themselves to go through the "panic attack" which is a way for the body to let go of accumulation at a time when it no longer has room to accumulate anymore.

This person if having any chronic condition would surely suffer from symptoms such as: depression, anxiety, skin diseases, cold, cold and / or sweaty hands and feet, stomach and digestive problems, poor self-esteem, back pain, carpal tunnel, loss of sleep, extreme tiredness and more; In addition, these could be complicated to conditions such as: arthritis, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, herniated discs, problems with sciatica, cancer, among others.

It is important to add before finishing that as mentioned at the beginning -spirituality gives us tools to heal in layers- and this is nothing more than understanding that depending on where we are in our life, the situations we are living at the moment, how we feel, with whom we share, etc. ; it is the layer that we will see, understand, and be able to heal. No one heals anything before they are ready and therefore, throughout our lives, the events of the past change in meaning, importance, and relevance to our path and this is also why we interpret every second according to our own energy state of the present moment.

Everything is seen through the eyes of the present and is interpreted according to what is learned and integrated, and the energetic and physical, emotional, and mental states, of the now.

Healing only part of who we are shortens our teaching and limits our possibilities. Observe your patterns and how one thing affects the other, how everything is related and as with your will and self-love, a world of possibilities opens before you.

If you have difficulty identifying your patterns to work with your health holistically, let me help. In a private environment, we can discuss your states and symptoms, working together to find those patterns that determine your limits and take you away from your health and stability, to eliminate from your life what no longer serves you, so you fully live as your truest self.

May this help someone,

Blessed be

Alchemist Eyes | Diana Chiques

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