Is true, we all can and should chose how and what makes us happy, especially when it comes to our sexuality which is one of the most intimate things every human has. Easily compared to our individual purpose, no one can determine where our love points. I am a firm believer that Love is for the soul and although there are many ways to Love, I want to focus here on relationships.
True Love comes when we fall in love with the consciousness of the person and not their looks, gender, or societal status. Sex, the physical act, is a manifestation of a special kind of love, a love meant to be expressed. It is of no consequence what goes on between 1, 2 or even more, if the pleasure of all involved is the goal. The physical act, just like the energetic one, is meant and should always be consensual, that is the only Law that rules human sexuality. We have been taught that pleasure is just having a good time, and the underlying reason is that that is as close as “pleasure” can get to physical manifestation without becoming creation and takes a new “name” or form. We have been told for the longest time that becoming pregnant or having a child is the reason and the Law for our sexuality, that procreation dictates our innate responsibility to populate the planet, that our purpose as humans is to ensure the species and that work is a responsibility, and we are taught that pleasure is a luxury. Our spirituality dictates the contrary. Pleasure is and should always be our responsibility, it is our duty to enjoy life, to discover more about us and those we love, to experience freedom and wonder and the curiosity for all. Work is our purpose, we must all find our unique service to humanity, how to contribute to the expansion of the minds of those we decide to (with pleasure) call forward into Life as we know it, work should give us pleasure so whatever we do must and should be align with our individual truth. Giving birth is an act of love that is taken with pleasure, a baby is pleasure manifested into creation, procreators is what and who we are, we are not cocreators of this world, we are the procreators of our destiny giving life and birthing our dreams; and sex is the pleasure of Love, manifested as physical activity.
Everything in the cosmos has a gender, when talking about feminine and masculine energy we are not talking about gender, however understanding the basics of these energies will help us understand better ourselves and our relations. The thing is, everything in the cosmos that is in Order and balanced, has both energies equally actives within, what does not, is in chaos. It does not matter if you were born male and know yourself to be a woman or vice versa, it makes zero difference if its physically evident or not, the cosmos has no interest in what clothes you wear or if you wear makeup and paint your nails. The only thing that matters is: are you in chaos or are you organized within?
Too much of anything becomes toxic, no matter if its water or fly agaric, too much of anything creates imbalances. Too much negative energy makes us heavier, binding us to dark reality, now, having zero negativity means there is nothing to hold your cells together, and without a body, there’s no physical reality; too much positive energy and we become so weightless that we lose perception of reality, too much light and we blind ourselves. The goal should be to balance these too energies, feminine and masculine, and find pleasure in every single choice that we make.
However, this is in an ideal world, where there is no trauma and all individuals are healed, what a world would that be? Too perfect indeed, because we must accept that while in this reality the fact that we must keep moving, and that goes for choices, actions, and thought process, is constant.
Masculine energy is aggressive, passionate, energetic, active, a supplier in all the senses. Feminine energy is subtle and soft, diplomatic, affectionate, intuitive, compassionate, restful, a receiver in all the senses. These qualities are manifested into creation as male and female. If you were born a female, chances are that even if you know yourself to be male, you still have these qualities about you and vice versa. And it is a certainty that no matter your gender, you have masculine and feminine energy traits within, because we are born in perfect balance and are expressed at different degrees based on preference, tendency, conditioning and/or adaptation. Balance comes when we can be passionate and have compassion at the same time, when we follow our intuition with energetic drive, when we are diplomats who aggressively protect equality and balance; when we can rest in an active state; when we give and receive.
I have always said that “is an unhealthy thing when a parent or anyone for that matter, thinks about the sexual life of someone else”, because consent is not being respected as the Law that it is. We keep giving physical meaning to words like they don’t carry energy or have a spiritual meaning as well and so, many truly believe is something that concerns them and although I understand the traumas that must have cause such a perception of life, is a way to auto-inflict suffering, because telling someone else their love is wrong, is only telling the cosmos love is wrong and on an energetic level, that is exactly what it is unbalanced in the world.
However, we must understand these energies to truly find balance. Now to speak of relationships, between male and female (with already stablishing that we all should master balance), we must understand the influences these energies have. They are potent, they rule as gods over the worlds, so is not something we can really avoid but we can master our understanding and thus the benefits of them. If your sexuality points towards men you should know he is a supplier, he may be traumatized, still he is a male and as such his energy is fueled by masculinity. This is the underlying reason why males behave the way they do, a healed male supplies power, energy, passion, strength while an unhealed male will either supply toxic aggressiveness and dominant power, animalistic passion, and uncontrolled strength or will be out of touch with his masculinity. *a narcissistic male will alternate between all the unbalanced qualities of masculine energy. The same goes for feminine energy and is the underlying reason why unhealed females misuse their intuition becoming sick and riddle with anxiety, why many use “compassion” as a manipulation tactic, and why when we feel we are not receiving we are taken away from our femininity and the unbalance tilts to masculine energy, making us aggressive, dominant, and so on. *a narcissistic woman will alternate as well.
When healing a relationship, or when in a relationship we must understand these qualities that makes the person we have in front of us, because they are one of the best ways to empower our loved ones and to allow for the right decisions to be made. Opening to this understanding helps us realize that by allowing these energies to flow in balance we all are better for it. Allowing our own energy to heal, gives momentum to the balancing of this energies within the relation.
A man in full balance of their masculine and feminine energies will love an independent woman but will still have conflict and lose interest if the woman does not take into consideration his opinion nor wants or ever needs his help; not because insecurities but because he is a supplier with no one to provide for, he will not feel needed, wanted, desired, nor with purpose within the relation.
A woman with these energies in balance will love a man who is passionate and very active but will still have conflict if the man only cares about work, exercise or sports, or friends because she is a receiver who is not receiving emotional support and stability.
We all (male or female) seek validation because it is a human need, (those who do not feel validated, ever, can easily become psychopaths or sociopaths). Validation is not to put the other person on a pedestal, validation is to openly appreciate the person for whom they are.
This all can be applied no matter the type of relation we are in, even to the relation we have with ourselves. Understanding this gives us better chances into understanding our imbalances, and how we relate to the world, it even helps us understanding our past traumas so we can heal from them and integrate the true lesson that was meant for us.
To go a step further, as consciousness we are in perfect balance with female and masculine energy (why “angels” have long flowy hair and no definite gender about them, and why they are usually depicted as hermaphrodites), because on a subconscious level we know the truth. The form we take into this life was a choice we made when we agreed to come to life, just like the choices you make in this life are yours to make.
Transform, Transmute, Transition, but whatever you do, do it in balance.
May this help someone,
Blessed be
Alchemist Eyes