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Writer's pictureeyesofalchemy

Being true

When we try to force others to see life as we do, when all there is is "you are toxic because you dont vibrate at my same frequency" when we give based on what we receive and not on how we supposedly vibrate, and without actually living our truth and allowing for others to appreciate, understand, learn and become by themselves or leave because they no longer resonate with us, we are also being toxic. ***NOT TO BE TAKEN AS: stay in relations where your life, mental or emotional health is in danger; always leave those and seek safety. ***I am talking about Spiritual beliefs and life styles only. We are meant to live our life's with the courage and curiosity of our internal truth. Imposing our ways onto others because is what we want (even if we think we know is "good" for them, is a lose lose situation, because each has their own contract and that means their own time to find things out). The people who dont resonte will leave without us pushing them. So dont stress yourself out trying to figure out how to let them go, live your truth and allow for the pieces to fall where they may. When we do this we give way for the magick of the universe to happen. When it comes to a situation or a relation that you seem to not be able to get out off, and you desperatly want and need to let go, take with courage and curiosity the consequences of doing what you must (conscequesces are not "bad", conscequences are the effect of a cause, and every cause has an effect; they seem bad because we usually dont notice the cause and only pay attention when the effect hits us square on the face; if we "control" the cause we can understand the effect and use it for our benefit). Again, im not talking about abusing situations when life or health is in danger, i am talking about that family member you no longer want to visit because they eat meat and you are vegan now, or that job you dont like because you now have woken and dont like the coorporate world any more for example, in these cases (and all others) do not complaint, and do something about it. Keep being you, grow the person you truly are, and things will fall into place or quit that job you no longer like, and asume the conscequences with curiosity: what are my talents? What am i good at? How can I serve with what I do? What things I need to let go to live a less expensive life? Do I need all these things, going out, buying stuff? What needs can I satisfy with the use of my talents? Etc. Tell that family member your views with reason, bring your own food, cook something *they (not you) might like. Im talking about that friendship that keeps getting you in trouble: keep being you, be true to yourself, and they will leave at their own accord because they no longer get what they need from you or simply let them know your truth: I can no longer be your _________ because ________ and assume the conscequences. No need to be hurtful, specially since its not about them (they are not wrong, they are who they are in this moment in time-space). ~The shame for being true to yourself must go, just like shaming others for being "themselves" must go too. Dont force your views, dont stress over the choices others make, its not our place. If is an intimate relation that you dont know how to get off from, ask yourself why that is? Are you shaming yourself for being true to who you are or shaming them for not being who you want them to be? In any case, always be honest. ***if is because of violence and you are afraid, be smart above everything else. Put yourself in safety and then take care of the rest, do not condone, justify or enable abuse*** The planets alignments will be consistant with judging, we may feel like we are in a "safe" enough place or perspective from where we can place judgement on others choices, but the reality is, we need to look inside and, not judge but confront where that judgement is comming from and where will it really lead you/us. Not from our personal point of view or what personally benefits us but from a more sincere outlook of how the natural laws work and how reality itself looks like. We sometimes (more often than not) forget that we are living in this moment in time-space. Once we begin to re-learn the truth about our Conscious and Subconscious mind, the truth about our energetic bodies, the abilities that we possess as humans, what and how life really exists, what spirituality really is, we can get caught up in that part of our lifes, forgetting or avoiding the (Spiritual) fact that that part of ourselves is eternal and we will go back to that, but this life is limited and has a due date (even though may dont know for certain when that is, we know it will end). We left (by choice) our eternal "body" to experience this life that compared to eternity seems to last but a second, we made plans, we knew what we wanted to experience, how we were going to contribute to the greater good, and we came with a clear design of why we were coming, (we are eternally braver as souls than as humans) and we "waste" it by wishing to go back to eternity, by staying stuck in the past, by judging others experiences, by holding on to negativity or by becoming so positive that we ignore the world around us. We get so attached during our lifes to this "shared dream" that we lose focus of our own mission. Dont you think that when we pass we might look back and say why tha' hell was I in such a hurry or why was I so stuck in something that happened when there was no way for me to change it and I could have simply kept living in the present? Dont you think is possible that could happen during your last days of this life time, even? Really, Do you want to go thru all this (being born, childhood, school, teenage years, college, your 20's, 30's, etc), go thru all that again just so you can see if you can be present or let go of something? Why not do it now? There is so much to do in this lifetime, to experience, to learn, so much love to give, so much happiness and laughter to enjoy, so much knowledge to be shared, so much "problems" to solve, there is a lot of everything; if we want: to be the answer, to have the knowledge, to be able to help, to guide humanity towards a different direction, to iniciate change, to follow thru all that we already have learned, to live, to love, to be happy, prosperous, abundant, whatever we want to be: we must be present. Stressing over who, what and how I leave behind, limits/stresses us and the collective. Take care of yourself, shine your brightest light and light the way so others can take their steps. May this help someone Blessed be Alchemist Eyes

~ I share from my spiritual journey in the hopes of helping others that had gone thru similar experiences (DV, Abuse, addiction, childhood traumas, born empath, misunderstood / misdiagnose psychic abilities) to heal, find their unique purpose and develop their abilities; assist in all I can, those in the spiritual journey seeking guidance and everyone who has a desire to transform their life. May we all find a way to help Gaia and all its life forms heal 💞 Blessed be. ~ Like, share, comment; it may help someone you know ~ Subscribe to my youtube channel ~ Support my content: ...and get special discounts on your readings, free merchandise with original artwork, previews and updates on my projects behind the scences & WIP. ~ Find me: ~ 🪶 Alchemist Eyes

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