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Chakras: What are they and what do I need to do with them?

Chakras are energy vortexes. They contain and distribute the energy within us and connect with the energy around us to energetically perceive our environment and its components. The word Chakra is a sanscrit term that translates to “wheel” and it represents the energy central point or vortexes. There are 7 main chakras and a few more extra that only few know about or work with. The 7 main Chakras are located along the base of the spine in a vertical line, starting at our base right between the perineum and the pelvic bone or coccyx, going all the way up to our crown or top of the head. They have a direct relation to our glands and organs, their functions and how they are working. Each is related to an element, color, crystal stones, mantra and specific traits that describe the energy flow within each of them. They also have many other correspondences but to name the more common ones:

Muladhara is our Root Chakra:

Element: Earth / Color: Red / crystal stones: Red Jasper, Hematite, Black Tourmaline / mantra: LAM

Traits: survival instincts, linage, sexual desires, stability, security, childhood (born to 8yrs old), eating habits.

Svadhisthana is our Sacral Chakra

Element: Water / Color: Orange / crystal stones: Orange Calcite, Tigers Eye, Amber / mantra: VAM

Traits: emotions, sexuality and sensuality, creativity, pleasures, likes and dislikes, satisfaction.

Manipura is our Solar Plexus Chakra

Element: fire / Color: Yellow / crystal stones: Citrine, Golden Calcite, Yellow Topaz / mantra: RAM

Traits: personality, choice, movement, action, personal power.

Anahata is our Heart Chakra

Element: Air / Color: Green / crystal stones: Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Emerald / mantra: YAM

Traits: compassion, forgiveness, love, connection with others, empathy.

Vishuddha is our Throat Chakra

Element: space / Color: Blue / crystal stones: Lapiz Lazuli, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate / mantra: HAM

Traits: communication, truth, self-expression.

Ajna is our Third Eye Chakra

Element: Light / Color: Purple / crystal stones: Amethyst, Sodalite, Angelite / mantra: AUM

Traits: inner vision, 6th sense, inspiration, intuition, second sight.

Sahasrara is our Crown Chakra

Element: Source / Color: Opal white, White / cystal stones: Selenite, Moon Stone, Clear Quartz / mantra: OM

Traits: connection to Source or Energy Life, the all.

What do I need to do with them?

Unlock- is to “discover” their location and understand their energy flow at the moment, understand what is there and its effect. Many call this to “sit with the emotions” but this implies is only our emotions we need to sit with so for me, a more appropriate way to call it is, unlock.

Unblock- is to consciously work on our traumas, beliefs experiences, what we unlocked, to release the energy blockages.

Open- to have and keep a conscious “openness” or perception of the energy flow in/around the chakra. Empaths are born with a natural extra perception or openness to the energy flows, which is why is so hard for us, but extremely important to go back into the unlocking and unblocking, because our perception is still trauma based and more so than non-empaths.

Align- to consciously restored the natural energy flow to each chakra and auric body.

Connect- to connect each chakra with the others and the energy of the auric body.

Balance- to keep a healthy energy flow, free of interference in each chakra individually, in connection to each other and with the auric body.

Feel the energy and transform your life.

Image from Google Search

May this help someone

Blessed be

Diana Chiques / Alchemist Eyes

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