I was watching a video earlier today and it was about astronomer’s vs astrologists. It immediately caught my attention since both subjects interest me and I am one to mix the two to make my own theories, studies, predictions/ hypothesis and to collect my own results to confirm or debunk my own theories. I'd never had a mentor and never have been professionaly trained in Astrology, still my interpretations have never been wrong. I learned like in the old days, by reading a lot, observing, theorizing, observing some more, record keeping, hypotesizing, experimenting and coming to my own conclusions.
So, the video was like a Q’s & A’s kind of thing. The main question being discussed was: is Astrology a science. I took this one seriously since in my personal experience science is exactly what it is, at least I followed a scientific method to gather my conclusions. One of the questions they were asked was if they believed that planets influence our bodies. One of the astrologers gave an answer that I’d used many times before to answer this same question; his answer was: the moon affects our bodies of water, and we are 70% water and he also used: energy it’s not destroyed or created- what struck me about his answer was that he only had that to back up his believe or at least that is all he use to try to prove his point to people who dedicate their lives to a scientific method of study and to which a superficial answer will not suffice and the fact that no one there knew or had a way to explain their point further gave the false impression that astrology is just nonsense. So, here I am trying to explain this further and to tell you why astrology is a science and why and how energies that are reaching our planet thousands of years later influence you, whether we believe it they do or not.
So, first thing is first, why is astrology a science?
Astrology is a science because it does require a scientific method of theorizing, hypothesizing, controlled experimentation, observation, and record keeping, but more importantly it gathers information, produces results that can be measured and give a conclusion. This is how actually astrology started and how it developed along the years. More so, it is the starting point of all other sciences, used to measured time, location, seasons, and even to predict (like any other science does) what could happen based on previous records from other “experiments”; In any science that did not started yesterday (and even so) we find time and time again how the discoveries made from other experiments, bleed into new theories and propose the starting point or the reasoning behind why one thing is or not like another. The same happens with astrology; along the years theories of how x or y planet influence us have been either proved or debunked by many, and we have also find many examples where theories have been proved by standardized scientific methods that brought results that could be replicated time and time again.
Now, how can light that reaches our planet thousands of years later can have an influence over us?
The planets have an influence on us because yes: energy its not destroyed nor created. One of the astronomers had a great combat answer for this, she said: we have different definitions of what energy is. So lets clear that one out:
Scientific meaning of energy: energy is the force that causes movement and is divided into two: kinetic and potential. Kinetic energy being the energy a body possesses as a result of movement; and potential energy being stored energy and it depends on the position or environment.
Common meaning of energy: the strength and vitality required to sustained mental and physical activity and it also means the power generated from the utilization of chemicals and other resources to produce heat, cold, etc.
“Same thing, different stick” as my husband would say! Both answers conclude basically the same thing. Energy is both generated by the physical bodies in motion and produced as a result of the mixing of chemicals and other resources. If we take this to a deeper level then energy is everything that is (present), what it generates (present-future) and what it accumulates (past). So, energy is neither destroyed nor created, it simply transforms from one state into another with the interaction of the forces around it and all the energy that was and will be, is present. But we can take this even deeper:
We have agreed that physical bodies generate energy because they are in motion, but are we solid matter? Other sciences like biology and quantum physics have proved that nothing is solid, everything is composed of particles vibrating at different frequencies.
Then that means that
the body generates energy by movement, and it accumulates energy thru the process of mixed chemicals and other resources like for example: eating, decomposition, etc
that the particles that compose the body itself are energy as well since they are also "bodies" in motion, but at a quantum level and what they generate is also energy.
So we keep agreeing that everything is energy and now we know that what makes something seem solid is then, the vibration of the different frequencies of those energies.
Now, what are physical bodies? Physical bodies are a collection of particles taken as one. Enduring objects made of the same particles as our human body but that exists throughout a particular trajectory of space like planets, fall under the same category of physical bodies and so we can agree they also are, generate and accumulate energy.
Quantum entanglement dictates that subatomic particles that generated from the same source share identical make ups and are forever united no matter the distance between them, they communicate instantly. Although the subatomic particle will copy the vibrational behavior of the other subatomic particles it interact with in its immediate environment, it still holds that entanglement without measure of time or distance. Which means that
everything that originates at planet earth for example shares the same particles, each in relation to their environment
that earth’s particles are entangled with whatever source created earth- and so on.
This translate to the proven fact that we are made of stardust or more scientifically explained: we can find all DNA elements spread across the galaxy. This means then that whatever happens anywhere in the universe will have an immediate effect on us, no matter if we are aware of it or not.
Does this mean that the effect is direct and transcendental? Not in the way we assume, but kind of yes, its effect is received by other bodies and interact with those energies but will not determine the outcome of that interaction. What it will do is give a potentiality for integrating the vibration of the "effect".
These forces (planets) are energy, but they (just like us) also accumulate energy (forming a physical body or the collection of particles vibrating based on their environment) and they generate energy thru their movement as well. And thru entanglement we know that all energy is connected without the measure of time-space. So, we know that they do affect us but to what extend?
Let’s see: (this takes us back to how can the moon for example influence us here on planet earth?) Well, if you read all the above then it is easy to understand that the moon’s particles are the same that compose your physical body and planet earth the difference is on the proportions of each particle or element; so entanglement is telling you clearly that
whatever happens on the moon your body will instantly know at a subatomic level, and whatever we learn (even if is on a subatomic level) is an interference that interacts someway or another and thus, has an effect.
More than this we agreed also that the moon generates energy with its movement which means that
whatever energy “it” generates will not be destroyed, it will travel in wave like patterns until something interferes and either changes its direction or it continues its path while interacting with whatever it reaches, but it will only transform/change with the interaction of some other form of energy.
*Quick stop here to add that “energy” flows like waves, in all directions: imagine a drop of water falling into calm waters and the concentric circles that form as a result of the energy moving across the “calm waters”. So, bodies not only emanate energy frontwards, but all around, but this also gives reason as to why energy is equally present at all moments.
Now to continue, this mean that the energy the moon generates hits us like waves which in turn means that movement generates more energy or intensifies as it moves- if we add this to the accumulation of energy from the moon it means that the moon’s particles will communicate with our bodies but not only that, it will communicate as well with everything else that shares its particle’s composition in relation to its environment. This means that
the moon not only affects earth’s bodies of water; what the moon really affects is all bodies that are composed of the same subatomic particles -in relation to their environment; but with the explained above we already know that everything that originated at the same source will forever be entangled, meaning the moon will affect everything one way or another to what degree is what we'll figure out next, keep reading!.
So the closer a physical object is to the moon the faster it will be hit by the energetic waves, but at the same time the further away it is, the less amount of waves it will receive or the lapse between waves will decrease in time. Like a tsunami, if land is really close to where it originated it will only create stronger waves but if we move the land a bit further away water will come rushing into the land, move the land even further away, and by now the wave has loosed momentum and strength and so it does not have a direct effect but an effect none the less because everything that stands between the place where the tsunami originated an the land, has been affected or has interacted with the wave, and so all the energy between point A and point B has either become, transformed, change orientation or expanded and this will have an effect sooner or later on the land as well and so on.
Well, the same thing is what happens with the moon’s energy and all other planets for that matter.
Everything that is accumulated energy does have a direct effect on us thru the instant communication between subatomic particles and a less direct effect thru the waves that energy’s movement generates, and this happens whether we believe it or not as well.
One of the Astronomers also asked: what if we take Betelgeuse, does it have an effect here on earth? My answer will be yes, for all the reasons above mentioned, but since the question was asked as a way to minimize what astrology really is, I will go deeper into my answer. But before that I want to mention that one other Astronomer said that when he looked at the moon and planets, he cannot help but feel the beauty and wonder to a point that it affects him emotionally- which means
it affects also his mental and energetic state so why would it not affect the physical body as well when those same energies are interacting with our own accumulation?
The effect is not actually positive or negative so how it affects us personally is in direct response to our own energy/environment.
The same way here on earth has been accepted the theory of the “butterfly effect” for its reasoning on how one thing can affect the other from a logical and scientific standpoint, the same goes for the planets and yes, Betelgeuse too. The mere existence of this body does have an effect and like everything else in motion it generates energy waves that will affect its surrounding planets and other bodies. Bring that closer to earth and the effect from its movement is direct, take it further a way and it will be less noticeable.
But this question can be taken further for a more complete answer:
Are emotions energy? Are thoughts energy? Are sensations energy? Are words energy? Are diseases energy? If you answer yes, then you know.
If your answer is no or you are not sure, remember what we have been talking about all along: energy is always present, and it is not destroyed or created it only transforms from one state into another when it interacts with other forms of energy. So, let’s take emotions as a first example: (this can go two ways):
An external energy wave hits you which is the same as to say for example that something new happens, and so you feel an emotion (present energy) and your body acts (accumulation + generation= movement), or
Accumulated energy (past) generates a reaction (future) that distorts what is (present). So, we either respond to the effect of the energy or we generate the effect ourselves. Meaning our energy interacts with the energy around and vice versa.
So, emotions are “internal energy” and “external energy” interacting, and as energy they also interfere with the particles that make up our body. We can then come up with the conclusion that our emotions are affected by the energy of its environment and the interaction of the particles on a subatomic level, since we already established that thru entanglement all particles that generated from the same source communicate immediately and since we know that energy behaves in wave like patterns that depending on its location in relevance to time-space, will interact with its environment, it will definitely have an effect on the physical body, what it generates and on the energies that surround it.
Let’s use diseases as an example now: dis-ease is exactly that: to not be at ease. A physical disease is generated from the accumulation of toxic particles/energy in the body, a mental dis-ease is the accumulation of mental toxicity and energetic dis-ease is the accumulation of toxic/ negative energies, emotional dis-ease is when we accumulate emotional toxicity which is the same as traumas. In fact, trauma is defined as an injury that results from an event- so we can apply the word trauma to physical, emotional, mental, or even energetic injuries and conclude that all trauma is an "injury" on our energy.
So, a word or the energy it contains will have an effect on the physical body, the emotional, the mental and the energetic body and all external energies that interact with the energy of that single word. This has been proven even by third graders experimenting on plants with the use of positive and negative connotations and we all know how a single word can affect us emotionally and since we have already established that everything that affects one thing will eventually affect the other, we understand how our emotions makes us physically sick while also affecting our interactions with others, our activities and movement and even our environment and the way we perceive it, they also affect the people around us in the exact same ways.
Now, still we have not talked about what is astrology and what does it study? Astrology is the study of the movement and positions of the celestial bodies to interpret their influence over human affairs and the natural world and it does this by analyzing and comparing the collected data from the different locations of these celestial bodies to predict/theorize or hypothesize how they affect life externally here on earth, and how the planets chemical (and other resources) composition/ the particles that make up the celestial bodies, affect us internally thru what its now known as entanglement but in its origins was simply understood as the god’s will. Then it observes and records its findings to make predictions about future experiments or events, like every other science does.
Astrology has used a valid scientific method to get their findings and understand the results since its origins, in fact it is the same method still used today in astronomy and cosmology. With the use of the colors that each body emanates which directly correlate to the chemical composition of the planet and its internal motion/movement; the intensity of light that can be seen from earth which dictate location thus giving the answer as to how far or near each celestial body is and how directly its energy will affect us while taking into consideration all that there is between point A and point B and their effect on the energy wave; and then with the records of its previous results from countless times, Astrology observes, experiments and collects, and interprets the data to reports its findings.
Let’s take Mars as one last example:
Mars is a planet that from earth looks to be the color red. Then is located at its nearest point from earth at 62.7 million kilometers with no other body of accumulated energy particles except when the moon comes in between.
Astronomy would study the chemical compositions and why they make the planet seem red by observing and interpreting the colors that emanate from the planet and comparing with previous experiments results to come to a theoretical conclusion of its components; it also uses its location relative to earth to come up with theories and/or conclusions about the evolution of both planets in terms of how they compare in origins, development, and time.
Cosmology would study how mars came up to be from the big bang, what happened in the meantime and where it may all lead.
Astrology does exactly the same as both and since way before. But since it is the mother of all sciences, astrologers recorded their findings long ago, and we still use them to this day because they are still relevant, and their representations and symbology has not changed in meaning nor effect. In modern times this information is provided by other means with the use of technology, so astrology now focuses more in maintaining the information flowing than in actual scientific experiments.
But let’s look at what astrology did and/or does:
Astrology looks at the sky and sees a planet with the color red [a color that has long been] associated with power, blood, anger, adventure, violence, with passionate love and seduction and is also referred to as the color of extremes, then looks its location and says well that is very close to our planet so its effect must be direct. This means that Mars effect is more direct here on earth (than for example Pluto’s effect) and its internal and external effect may directly affect our mood and our emotional state in everyday endeavors since that's what the color red will make us subconsciously tune in with. Then it looks at its size and notices that it seems smaller than earth and many other celestial bodies close by so its energy must be masculine because its color and size indicate fertility and inception instead of fertility and conception like Venus (which is earth’s other closest celestial body and is considered feminine energy- both directly influence life here on earth). And since energy affects energy and all is “energy”, Astrology associated (and still does) the planet Mars with masculine energy, anger, aggressiveness, seduction, power, etc, and understands its energy as volatile and extreme and knows its effect will be internally with great potential of also being perceptible externally based on its location.
Now, the day we were born, Mars (keeping up with the same example) was located at a specific point on its orbit and in distance to the earth, and this point changes as the earthly hours pass. Making Mars wave like effect different for each of us depending on its location at the moment of our birth. This makes our individual relation with Mars effect unique for each of us; because its effect will depend on where it was located when we were born, where is located at the present moment and where were all other planets (in Mars case the moon) located in relation to earth and mars at the moment of our birth and in the present. The answers to this give us a measurable “prediction” as to how each of us relate to Mars associations and how Mars transit will affect us during our lifetime, and it also allows for a day to day general “prediction” on how Mars influences will affect all living organisms here on earth based on the recorded information of the planet’s “energies” behavior. More than this, with the knowledge of their chemical composition/ colors and their associations we can correctly predict lacks and potentiality for illnesses because the accumulation of this energies pinpoints the exact location of where in the body these energies will accumulate. For example, Mars a planet associated with anger: A person who has anger issues from accumulated anger first of all, we will find that they have Mars placement in their birth chart either on the 3rd, 4th, 6th, or 12th houses, or as a karmic debt placed in the 8th house, and they will also be more prone to anger when Mars is at its closest point to earth.
A a person with Mars on their 1st house may show characteristics of being courageous, passionate, strong willed, driven that with other influences may become aggressive, conflicted and combative. Mars effect interacting with all other energies has a great potential for the accumulation of anger since anger is one big stressor vibrating at a very low frequency that is not far from physical manifestation. Anger affects the liver and/or the gallbladder, affecting our ability to release toxic particles/ toxicity, and this will manifest as illness. So we can accurately predict that a person with Mars in any of these houses will be more susceptible to anger thus more prone to liver, gallbladder, and skin health problems; if they don't consciously release the stressor/ their trapped anger, it will keep distorting the vibration of the organ frequency and thus altering the functionality, making it sick.
Does this mean that Mars in any of those placements is then the bringer of bad news? No. Mars has amazing qualities to it like passionate love, drive, energy, courage, power, etc. Then, if we don’t have Mars on any of those houses, we will not be affected by anger? No. We all are affected by it- we all are, accumulate and generate energy, but to what degree is what changes from person to person based on the individual planetary alignment at the moment of birth and the accumulated energy of the person at present moment- the energy generated from both is what transforms energy into "future". Does it mean then that if I accumulate anger, my liver will explode? It might. Now to be less dramatic, it will first become an aggravation, then a problem, and then the next and logical step if not healed/released is, chronicity. It will become an illness.
That is why Astrology was also considered an important aspect of one's health in past times, because with the use of all the information planets and all that orbits near the earth give, we can make a safe and accurate prediction as to how and what will be affected by the planet’s alignments. And does this mean that we are doomed to be whatever the planets says and that we have no options or possibilities? No. It means that we will be more prone or, have a potential to or, have affinity with or, a tendency to, ect. in relation to the planet’s alignment at the moment of our birth and to their current placement.
Then we have the zodiac signs. The belt of the zodiacs give more energy to whatever influence the planet may bring. Their associations were taken from the seasonal changes from the Ecuador line for a more average or worldly perspective dividing them into the twelve months that they represent and the energy that that month releases throughout the planet. So for example Aries starts the wheel of the year with the season of spring. Being the first sign, you will find that those born with their Sun in Aries are natural born leaders who organically get their hands full into the beginnings of projects, among many other traits. So a person with the Sun and Mars on their 1st house will have tendencies of aggravation or anger when they are not being listen to. But will also have great passion for the things that they set their mind to, they will be motivated and active and will find great sense of self leading others and exploring possibilities.
Where the planets are located and in what zodiac sign they are sitting at, will intensify the influence that we will receive.
All of the above can also explain why we are multidimensional beings but that is another topic.
And of course there is a lot more to this but this gives us the why's and the how's.
In my opinion, Astrology is a science that studies and predicts the interaction and its possible effects between celestial bodies and planet earth’s organisms and the planets alignments do generate effects that affect our body some way or another.
What do you think? Is Astrology a science or not and do you think planets have an effect on us?
May this help someone
Blessed be, Alchemist Eyes