The energy feels intense. Its been already several days, almost two weeks of energetic lashes and spikes.
There is a lot of information being received in Theta and Delta, many must be having trouble falling asleep, can not sleep or spend the night tossing and turning, for me its been almost two weeks. If you are feeling this, surely you also feel like you are being tested; relative to where you are on your spiritual path.
All this information is curative, they are codes loaded with healing. This is going to make certain things in your life much more evident.
Breathe, ground yourself, connect and keep the focus on your intention as already stated. Everything else is distraction. It is not that you lock yourself in a cave to spend the month, it is that in the moment you remember to breathe because you remaining calm is what matters at that moment. We are all feeling loaded. Some of us are aware, it does not stop it from affecting us, but we can work on it.
Energy tip: Grounding. Grounding. Grounding.
3 different Breathing Exercises:
1. Counting in your mind to three, inhale. exhale for a count of three. With no air in your lungs, count to three. repeat 9 times.
2. Inhale slowly filling your abdomen, continue inhaling and the chest rises, continue inhaling bringing the air to the throat. exhale in the same order from the throat to the abdomen.
3. inhale bringing focus to your toes, exhale. bring focus to feet, inhale. exhale. Inhale, focus on ankles, exhale. now inhale focused on the calves, exhale. continue part by part of your body until you reach the top of your head. inhale, with the attention on the top of your head, exhale from that same point and focus on the air until it comes out through your nose. continue going down doing the same with each part of your body until you reach the feet.
May this help someone
Blessed be
Diana Chiques / Alchemist Eyes
Image from Google Search