Healing is not easy, releasing our "triggers" is even more difficult, after that rediscovering ourselves, knowing, accepting ourselves and then acquiring the courage to live our truth in alignment with our true needs and therefore purpose, although exciting, is extremely difficult and it requires self-love, will, focus, discipline, courage and many other qualities that "numbing the pain" will not bring.
Numbing the pain is what we do when we refuse to do the "hard work" of healing. I love analogies so lets go with one: Is like having a headache and taking a pain reliever, you numb the pain but it comes back and it might do it with vengeance. I'm not saying that taking pain relievers is bad, there are countless of times when we might need to take the pain reliever but if that is all we do, we may never understand what is really happening or find out what is going on when is too late.
By feeling the pain, we get to better understand where it is located, what trigger it, what else is connected to that pain, our body and how it reacts, we get to know ourselves and our behavior during stressful times, we challenge ourselves, make ourselves stronger, more resistant, we rediscover our power and we can even learn to appreciate "pain" (not desire it- there is a big difference), we might even come up with the answer as to why it hurts, how to heal it and a way to prevent it that is aligned with our true needs and not based in the numbed out version of ourselves; if we always take the pain reliever, we just numbed ourselves out and slowed our progress. Healing requires us to do our part and work constantly to not repeat destructive behaviors, so we truly eliminate them completely; and when we reach this point, there is still work to be done and an infinity to learn from. We all want to heal and feel good now. Then, we need to be willing to go into our traumas, squeeze the lessons out of it, put them into practice and get to the next step of our enlightenment. Spirituality has become the new "trend" and is being "sold" in a way that justifies our mistakes and traumas while we condemn and judge those who are not yet awake or spiritual enough for us. Many take spirituality under a distorted idea that seeks external acceptance and validation to confirm and accept personal experiences or acquired knowledge and not as what we are, embodied spirits (spirit-uality [duality])- spirit/human.
Under this distorted idea, spirituality begins to be used as justification to abandon responsibilities and flee from the consequences of our actions. The awakening and enlightenment is not something instantaneous and requires living our truth, that includes paying our karmic debts and we need to take it as healing and not as suffering or a "problem". It is important to say that there are many tools that help us to feel better at the moment, to change our present and to manifest our future desires and it is equally important to emphasize that these do not and will not fix our problems if we do not do the work that is required from us to heal our life in all its aspects. Let's use Yoga as an example. Practicing yoga, is something that many do to feel better and it works, I practice and teach yoga myself. It is a wonderful tool to have, but if you do not heal your life outside the yoga-mat as well, learn, and do what needs to be done, you will continue without paying the rent, working the same job that you detest, in the same relationship that keeps you traumatize, and probably looking for free yoga classes out of necessity, or abandoning everything and feeling more lost than before; this without mentioning that Yoga is not merely a practice of physical exercise.
Spirituality can become one more addiction, another "coping mechanism" of our "unhealthy ego" and create a "superiority complex" against the people who share our past and everything that "triggers" our present with any memory from it, in addition to possibly an "inferiority complex" and need for appreciation by those who we now consider "mentors" or "teachers."
Do you want to heal, feel better, find your purpose and live your truth aligned with your true needs so you can be part of the abundance life is or do you want to numbed out the pain and never feel anything again?
Healing is not feeling better at the moment, it is rather not to suffer from the "disease" anymore, nor to have traces of it.
May this help someone
Blessed be
Alchemist Eyes | Diana Chiques