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Spiritual Higher Self or Spiritual "Ego" Trip

Spiritual Higher Self or Spiritual “Ego” Trip

How can we tell the difference?

*This is my personal view based on my own experiences and research and what I have come to understand and developed based on them.

First, what are they or what do I mean? To me the Higher Self is our truest form while in this dimension. Is us, as part of Source Consciousness, our connection to the wisdom of the collective consciousness. When we awaken or unblock this connection, we become conscious of our own immensity, our true power and our true form. We see the world different from what it was yet the same, and love and compassion takes over because there is a deeper understanding. There is no separation, physical or etheric between dimensions, realms or worlds. This connection is powerful and intense, is love and unity integrated in a way that only to experience it can explain it because words do not make it justice, it brings a knowledge that only those who are truly awaken can perceive and understand, and once this channel is open, we do not see evil (this is one of the clearest signs that the Higher Self Is truly the one driving). When the Higher Self is in direct connection, our lives come together, and we see the abundance and the possibilities that have always been in front of us. For the Higher Self to truly take the driver sit and the ego to surrender the keys, we need to know, understand and accept ourselves, and for this to happen, our chakras must first be unlocked, unblocked, open, align, connected and balanced.

The Spiritual “Ego” Trip is much more common and even thought it sounds “bad” is part of the journey and to deny it does not make sense. I have come to understand it is actually the starting point for many and the actual journey for some, and is all part of the lessons we are here to each learn. The spiritual ego trip makes us truly believe we are waking or we have woken. You can feel the “connection”, receive / channel messages, see spirits, feel the energy, see colors and everything else, still there is a lingering fear of the unknown and “evil” or “bad energies” are still very much present and perceivable. The Spiritual Ego trip is a coping mechanism that allows for a feeling of superiority, especially when our traumas take us to a place of inferiority. “I forgive because I am spiritual” or “I am going to be the bigger person and forgive them” “ew, you eat meat? I don’t because I am spiritual”, “I don’t like fashion because I am spiritual” "I can change them" “I want world peace” you get the idea. It’s not that these things are or not “spiritual”, it’s the fact that “spirituality” is used as the justification for our behavior. We all want world peace, what we do inside to achieve it is what makes the difference between “ego” and “higher self”. This happens and we don’t even realize its happening, because we are still carrying traumas so our chakras still have blockages or are not align, connected or balanced, we feel the connection and we truly feel different, we know we are more and the change is happening, but we think we are better in a way for just trying. It can make us believe we are actually right, because we changed our conscious way of thinking and that feels real, but we need to remember that our healed traumas also use to feel real at a moment in time.

Humans live in a hurry and want everything now, so most of us tend to try to “bypass” certain “tedious” tasks that we deem not necessary because we want it now, we want connection, we want to see, we want to be and feel better, more powerful, etc. And we dont want to have to remember what we did when we hurt someone or how badly we were hurt, so we skip 1-5 and go straight to 6, the 3rd eye, and we open it and see all this new hidden world and so we truly believe we are there and all we did was to try to outsmart ourselves (even if our 3rd eye is unlocked and open we still need to unblock, align connect and balance). It’s a power trip on its own. Usually when this is happening its that period on our journey when we try to impose ideas and force our beliefs and if it doesn’t work then we take the “you don’t know what you are talking about" perspective or “they just haven’t woken up yet”, is a way to switch our internal conflict from our insecurities and feelings of “less” into “confidence” and superiority, often with the best intentions to level up at equality but still, we do it and dont know we are doing it. The extreme positivity without real understanding or care for shared reality and its effects, is another sign of a spiritual “Ego” trip and this happens to almost all of us too at some point in the beginning of our journey, and some stay there for quite some time, is not that we dont care, is that we get so caught up in our own journey and feelings of happiness from finally realizing that we are more than this, that we unconsciously ignore the reality that is going on around us and everything is unicorns and rainbows, and inspirational quotes, to help us remember that we “feel” happy in the middle of the chaos we are living. Even though we have no job, hobbies, passions, our relations are just a big reminder of our past traumas, we say everything happens for a “reason” (without really knowing what this means) and fail to see all the reasons around us that indicate we are actually in an ego trip that dont let us advance. Another way to tell when we are in a spiritual “ego” trip is if we are always in our head and physically probably can’t even connect to our feet, legs get numb pretty easily and lower back can be really painful, low or zero sexual drive, prostate or ovarian problems and/or have allergies or skin conditions. This happens because we started by unlocking and opening the upper chakras before the lowers. To experience “bad energies” or “evil” is a clear sign that the lower chakras are still blocked or even closed.

When our lower chakras are closed or blocked, it means we are still holding on to negativity in any way, shape or form. This is the energy we are recharging ourselves with and is the reason why our upper chakras reflect that same negativity. We don’t actually see “evil”, what we are experiencing is the spiritual world reflecting our fears. This is not the same as saying that the “bad entities” many experienced are not real, they are very real indeed for our lower chakras and “ego”. As energy, anything can be transform into whatever the thought intends. The spiritual “ego” trip is still and unhealthy “ego” trait, although it signals a more awaken human in a sense. For the Higher self to take the wheel, the healthy “Ego” needs to be the one that “asks” them to drive and for the unhealthy “ego” to heal and become healthy and be able to do this, the first 5 chakras need to be unlocked, unblocked, open, align, connected and balanced. This will make the 6th chakra (3rd eye) open by itself as “extra sensory abilities”, this is like the first step into truly opening Ajna and will connect Sahasrara (7th chakra), the connection with Source and the Collective Consciousness. This will connect the crown and open it to receive extra energy to the 3rd eye, opening up the door to the spiritual world without the negative energy around us making us perceive what its not actually there.

What I have discover with my personal experience and studies in the subject is that when we travel this journey in a linear way (like “matter life” is meant to), we arrive without distractions (negativity) and our Higher Self let us experience the world in the light and darkr in perfect balance that it is, when we start in the middle (like it happens to most of us) or at the end of the road, we missed part or the whole journey and when we look back we see darkness and some light, or the distractions (negativity we are still holding on to) and the positivity we were able to keep, because we did not enjoy (learned) or truly lived (understood) the path.

I have been there. I don’t know if it was because I had no one to ask besides myself and my Guides, but I was sure from a very early age that “evil” was not real and what is not real cannot scare me, with the years came the realization that I am made of the same “stuff” everything else in the universe is made of, so whatever was out there was also a part of me, and this led me to understand that there is no evil in me, only light and dark, and if I can learn how to balanced them, there is nothing that can unbalance me but myself. That, took me back to my roots and from there, I understood that the journey is more intimate that most would like to admit.

May this help someone

Blessed be

Diana Chiques / Alchemist Eyes

Image from Google Search- Artist unknown

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