There are countless techniques to meditate, and they are found all over, but how do we meditate? How do I know if I am doing it right? Am I imagining things?
Let me share what I have learned and part of how I teach meditation.
To meditate is to silence the mind. But there is more to this and its when it gets tricky. The Conscious mind will always be thinking, even with our eyes closed, we are still being bombarded with information thru our senses and energy field and what the conscious mind does is to bring up “memories” that carry the “message” being portrayed. When we meditate, we allow our senses, chakras, body, our all, to receive the information without paying attention to that automatic thinking process. We “see” it and let it go, we don’t hold on to the thought, don’t repeat it, we allow it to flow and we receive the next one and so on.
In the beginning (or when we hit a “plateau”), meditation is basically not paying attention to any thought, to let them go as they come, like clouds in the sky, water down stream, or any other analogy that helps us to not repeat in our mind each thought. Understanding our body’s reactivity and learning to align our energy so is not all over the place distracting us. There are many techniques for this: counting backwards from 100 to 1 (3 times) until no distraction comes; focusing on each part of our body; containing the energy of our “bandhas”/ energetic locks by sheer will (for the more experienced); focusing on our breathing is the easiest one when we are learning.
-For this one, sit down comfortably and begin by breathing deeply 3 times, inflating the belly, expanding the thorax and raising the chest with each inhale and exhaling the same way. Next, bring your attention to your nostrils and feel the air coming in and out. Feel its temperature, the sensations the air brings in you, but don’t name any sensation just feel. If your attention strays from your nostrils, bring it back as many times you need. Constant repetition of this, will allow for better meditation practices.
Meditation is ever expanding. What I mean by this is that the more we do it, the farther we go and the more silence we experience. There comes a time when the Subconscious has released all the attachments to past energies and the mind can achieve complete silence. After that, messages come different for each of us depending on abilities. But the bottom line is that what we “see” then is “new”. Things are seen in a completely different perspective that is harder to explain because is more of a personal understanding of the internal changes and how they come about.
A way to differentiate what is a blockage and what is a message from our guides, etc is by the distraction and reactivity the “message” causes in us. A message from our guides brings calm, clarity, and there is no reactivity in the mind attacking the message, contrary to blockages that makes us defensive, they distract us, taking us out of the “calm” state.
We should be mindful as to what meditation and with which intention we are meditating at any given moment. When meditating with the intention of release and healing our chakras (for example), we should pay attention to the images that come forth but allowing them to flow so we can have a better perspective of what our chakras are telling us. If we focus on only one image, sensation or whatever we receive, we miss the whole message. It’ll be like focusing on one word out of an entire paragraph, we miss what is being said. If meditating with the intention to receive a message from our guides, we should allow the message to flow and distinguish between a blockage and a message by the reactivity or distraction the whole message brings out of you.
When visualizing to manifest we go into a meditative state clearing the mind, and that only means to not pay any attention to what images or whatever comes forth to mind automatically. We create the image from intention and emotion. We create a “real” image of what we want to manifest.
There are many meditation practices, these are just key points that help us enter a meditative state and better understand what is going on.
May this help someone
Blessed be
Alchemist Eyes
Image from Google Search
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