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Alchemist's Room

Public·4 members

One of the many things Yoga teaches us is that when we feel discomfort, we can follow it with compassion and curiosity to know its location, we move and stretch, twist and bend, we listen to our bodies and follow its instructions to heal, we don’t impose our belief’s; and if we do we quickly learn that our “ego” don’t know a thing and that only by quieting the ego-mind and paying attention to all that is going on is that we are able to connect with the discomfort and find how to heal it; or we can completely avoid the discomfort -limiting our practice, slowing our growth, and leaving us full of body aches for the following days.

In our daily life’s we have the same two options, we either follow the discomfort or avoid it.

For some reason we have gotten use to the discomfort, and we also…


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