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Meet you Shadow Self- Journaling

Journal: 10 questions to ask yourself

1. Who am I? (describe yourself mentally, emotionally and physically and name traits that define you and traits that you aspire to be)

2. What do I need? (name emotions, feelings, food, things, reactions, financially, etc)

3. What are my passions? (hobbies, talents that you desire and work for them, etc)

4. How do I see myself from the inside out? (complete, incomplete, divided, conflicted, bored, etc)

5. What is my sexual personality (what do I really like sexually)? (go into detail, explore with yourself if needed)

6. What do I know about my mother and father’s life before they had me? (how did they grew up, what were they parents like when they grew up, were they bullied or did they did the bullying, how did their parents treat them, how did they meet, how was their relation in the beginning and how it evolve, what were their jobs when they had you, financial situation, etc – and anything else you can find about any other ancestors- think about all they people that came together and all that they lived for you to be born in this precise moment in time.

7. What was my first sexual impression? (describe the moment when you realized we are sexual beings -age and all- and when you first felt aroused and what happened later)

8. What are my 5 biggest fears? (self-explanatory)

9. How do I feed myself? (remember we not only need food, we also feed ourselves with music, emotions, thoughts, television, fashion, etc- how do I pay for it and what kind of care do I take- do you count calories, are vegan, listen to rock music, have my nails done, etc)

10. Where does it hurt? (physically- for example- lower back, teeth, to breathe, headache, etc)

Answer these questions in complete honesty. They are meant to be answer in more than just one word. Go deep into your answers, remember they will give you a clearer picture of your Shadow Self. Try to avoid answering with what you think you should answer and be truthful to what you genuinely want. DO NOT answer them with what you know, think, believe, have experienced, have been told, or anything else but, what you desire and need.

How are these questions going to help? Once we understand who we are deep inside, without indoctrination, we are better able to chose which of those traits really resonate with us and we want to “keep” -this is not how it works but for now this is all we need to know- and we can start our Shadow Work with a better understanding of which root should we start working with.

May this help someone

Blessed be

Diana Chiques / Alchemist Eyes

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